Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Uncle Freddy's Visit

Freddy was in town over the weekend to spend some quality time with friends, family and mostly Brenna! Here are some fun pics from the weekend. It is so fun to watch him with B. She loves her Uncle Freddy that's for sure. "Uh peddy" since she can't say Uncle Freddy. She's still saying it even though he's not here. I definitely think there's a special bond between them.

Brenna is becoming increasingly more difficult to photograph. I have to catch her in the moment or take 1000 to get 1.

Uncle Freddy has been doing "Burt's Bees" with Brenna since Christmas I think. It's her "lipstick" (so she thinks anyway).

It's great fun to sit on and bounce on Uncle like he is my own personal jungle gym!
Hey Brenna, do you like this? OK, I'll get it for you...new toys are a little girl's joy and an Uncle's too I think.

We tried and tried to get some good ones...

Help please ~ shoe time.

Hug (complete with "aaawww" from the little girl)

While you probably can't see very well, they still have the exact same eye color.

It was a wonderful visit. Hopefully we'll be able to see him again before Christmas...thank goodness for cell phones, email, blogs and photo sharing!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday 10 Spot

Success! This post beats the monthly quota! Yippee...

1. It was a beautiful day today...warm and sunny...and it's Ohio so I will take them any time I can get them and celebrate.

2. Brenna likes to say "I got it," "Oh Noooo!," "Have it?," among other things. Although at this point "NO" is at the very top of her list of things to say.

3. She has become quite the puzzle wizard these days. She has several of the Melissa and Doug chunky wooden puzzles. If we sit with her on the floor she will go through all 7 of them and put every piece where it goes. The only one she truly needs help with is the alphabet puzzle...but there are 26 pieces to that one...the rest she can do with ease. I've taken to turning the puzzles upside down just to make it a little more challenging...no trouble there either. I love that she can do that and she's not even two! So smart, my little girl!

4. While the terrible two's phase has definitely reared its ugly head, she can be such a little sweetie. With her "hi" first thing in the morning to her "daddy, where are you?" when Sean is away at work or out of town. We do love it tremendously.

5. She loves hats. I have to say that this may just be one of my favorite pics lately. Sean's comment was quite funny but will most likely stay as an inside joke...at least for now. There was also this funny moment...I'm not sure that socks are good as an appetizer, especially ones that have been worn all day. Hmmm...
6. Scrapbooking has been on hiatus minus some magazine and book browsing. I'm waiting to get together with Marie (if our schedules ever manage to work out!) to get started. I have finished my sketches and gone through and picked all the pics(at least I think I have the chosen few of 400). Now it is a matter of getting the right supplies and materials and putting it all together. Hopefully that will be the fun part.

7. Still on the quest for fabulous pics of my little munchkin. Here are a few recent shots...I may be partial but I sure think she is beautiful.

8. 16 Days and counting until school is out...Those are school days by the way, no weekends or holidays included. I'm so looking forward to Brenna time, play dates, going to the zoo, visiting family, and just plain hanging out.

9. Uncle Freddy is coming to visit for the weekend...I can't wait to get a new shot of them! These are two of my favorites and while they are older pics, it is fun to reminisce.

10. Tomorrow my little girl will be 22 months old...where did the time go? Love you, bug!