2. Brenna cracks me up every day...our conversation about oatmeal this morning after she finished one entire bowl.
B: I want some more Mommy
M: Would you like some fruit?
B: No, more oatmeal please
M: How bout some applesauce (I know full well that a second bowl of oatmeal will not be eaten!)
B: I really just want some more {oatmeal}.
That's my little stinker! Talking like she's 10 when she's two
3. We got her "report card" from day care - She's progressing on most things, trying on others. My favorite is the P+ for Stands up for Own Rights. I can only imagine her yelling at someone else that "it's mine!" or "you no do that!" and "no me no!" (no means no). Not surprisingly she also received a P+ in Participates in Music - from the little girl who loves to sing "Bottle of Sunshine" by Milkshake in the car and tells me "I want it louder mommy." She also likes to know "do we have any 'yaks' (I Like Yaks by Roger Day) in here mommy?" Sean doesn't always have the same songs in his car as I do in mine so she has to check to see if we have what she wants to listen too. Thank goodness for the Shuffle - now in both cars thanks to my birthday Target gift cards, so now there will be matching music in both cars. I love that she likes Laurie Berkner and wants to hear Shady Tree, Victor Vito, and many others. It seems that we are moving away from The Wiggles - finally - at least for the time being. I'd much rather have her interested in other kid's music that isn't specifically related to characters...even though she will pick songs from her favorite Noggin shows too.
On another B related note, she loves wearing dresses. It is often a fight to get her to wear something other than a dress. It's really hard to give in when she says "my wear a dwess, mommy, I pick it?" Usually she wins that war. Just not a battle I feel like fighting. Thankfully we have been able to stock up on some cute Carter's dresses at Costco...gotta love the costco.
4. We're on the countdown for vacation...still on the hunt for a relatively inexpensive portable DVD player for the plane ride...more for my sanity, not because B can't go 4 hours without watching tv. She can. While I'm really looking forward to the trip, I will really miss my wonderful husband! I'm definitely looking forward to his vacation time in July.
5. Spring Break has gone by entirely too fast. I have managed to catch up on laundry...finally..now if only I could stay caught up. I always have good intentions but just never seem to manage to keep up with it. I will say I am doing less laundry for B now that she is older.
6. I LOVE THIS MAN....even though he hates when I take his picture. He and little B are my world...