1. I love my new job! Even though there is much more work, it is well worth it and my class is awesome. We are getting into our groove and really working well together.
2. Two days until the Wiggles - hopefully Brenna won't be afraid of them. I am hopeful since she loves to dance to all of the songs and sings along quite a bit too!
3. Thank goodness for furnace fixers who know what they are doing!
4. Having a wireless router is very convenient, I can sit on the couch, load grades into my gradebook, catch up on blogs, watch tv, and most importantly spend time next to my husband when I would otherwise be banned to the upstairs computer to complete my work!
5. I love that Brenna is really a little person with thoughts and feelings now. Not that she wasn't before but her personality is truly developing and she is definitely every bit of 2 that she can possibly be.
6. Day care keeps telling us that she is very well-behaved and they love her. I'll take that news any day!
7. Pain tolerance is apparently high in this little girl. We were in the ER over the weekend for a pretty serious ear infection that she didn't complain a bit about. The good news in all of this is that her tubes are still in their correct locations and working very well.
8. B likes to "read" her bedtime stories now. I start the sentences in her two favorite books and she finishes them, sometimes even telling the whole sentence before I have a chance to start. She is either very intelligent or we have read these books entirely too much. I am hoping the intelligence factor wins here.
9. I found some pictures from the summer that I love (taken by my awesome aunt!). Brenna is so lucky to have this photo - we have one when she is only 2 months old also - it isn't often that you can be part of a 4 generation photo.
Mommy and Brenna
10. I am happy that I can update the blog a little more often. I am trying especially since family and friends don't get to see the little girl too often!
Here's to being better about blogging. My goodness if my friend can move to another state and still manage to blog in the middle of it all I really have no excuse. Now if only there was enough time left in my day for a little scrapping...
i'm being threatened ;)
Awww...thanks for the recognition....Love Aunt Nancy
love those pix!
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