10. I woke up this morning, flicked on the TV...snow day? No luck, so I settle Brenna back to sleep, (she decided to try to get up at 5:30 ~ I don't think so little girl!), and hopped in the shower. Got ready as usual, slightly rushed, got B up and ready to go. Opened up the garage so I could warm up the car and then, as I was heading to the door...Ring Ring..." This is an announcement from...due to the current and expected accumulations of snow all classes and activities have been CANCELLED for today!" Just wish it would have been a little earlier, then I could have gone back to bed! Although a little girl I know probably would have prevented that one.
9. I decided to keep the little girl home with me today. She probably should have gone to get our money's worth out of day care for the week BUT
8. Ear Tube Surgery tomorrow...don't want to risk any other germs until the tubes are in. She can have a nice long nap and fun play time with mommy so she is well-rested and semi-healthy for tomorrow. I'll post details tomorrow.
7. You guessed it...she has yet another cold, hopefully the tubes will help with the saga of the little girl who catches everything from everyone everywhere we go! She hasn't had the chance to really be 100% healthy before she's on to the next thing. Will the tubes stop the colds? Probably not but at least it will greatly reduce the number of ear infections that could take place.
6. I'm trying, trying to get the laundry caught up, folded and put away so that I can try to stay caught up. I need a new laundry solution as trying to get it all done during the weekends is just not working for me. There is always something else (usually something much more fun) going on and the laundry always gets bumped to the bottom of the list until there just aren't any clean clothes. If the clothes are clean, they usually end up a wrinkled mess in the laundry baskets in the basement. Out of the dryer, into the basket, and there they sit until we need something, then it is back into the dryer with a damp cloth on the dewrinkle setting to hopefully allow the item to become semi-wearable without ironing! This and house cleaning would be at the top of my list when it comes to being able to wriggle my nose and have them both magically completed!
5. It's suppose to be 19 degrees tomorrow...thankful for a hardened front yard where the yellow lab can play without turning into a chocolate lab. Wishing for springtime so we can play outside and go for walks and air out the house.
4. Speaking of airing out the house. I woke up at 1:00 this morning to eau de skunk...it is February, we should not be smelling skunks. Apparently when Sean let Bailey out for the last time she frightened a skunk who managed NOT to spray Bailey (thank you thank you thank you) but did manage to spray near the basement walls...our house is a little airy to say the least and the odors manage to waft generously through the airyness, into the basement, into the vents which BLASTED the stink throughout. YUCK! Nothing better than waking up to eau de skunk in the middle of sleeping making it rather difficult to go back to sleep. Thank you thank you thank you again for not spraying our dog, Mr. Skunk!
3. In the spirit of keeping up with my students I am in the process of re-reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. I'll be heading to the library soon to find the other two books in the trilogy Gathering Blue and The Messenger. I haven't decided what the next books on my list will be. Maybe Hoot and Flush by Carl Hiaasen. These are easy read before bed kind of books that allow me to stay up on the books my students are reading.
2. Still trying to decide what to do with the chicken I cubed and seasoned this morning for a casserole that I am kind of getting tired of, may be time to check out www.foodnetwork.com and see what I can come up with.
1. Here's to my snow day...getting caught up on housework and blogging, and spending time with my Beautiful Girl and her daddy.
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