Thursday, February 7, 2008

Two Months, Ten Things

10. Christmas was so much fun. Brenna had a blast opening her gifts, playing with her toys, spending time with family. This year it was reading Jan Brett's Twas' the Night Before Christmas every night before bed, sometimes several times. Every page looking for Santa, the dog, the cat, the reindeer, and any other thing she was able to name on a page. Everything that was red or lights or snowman was 'tanta' and 'tanta' said "ho hooo." Not "ho ho ho," but "ho hoooo." Uncle Freddy came home to visit and spoiled the little girl rotten, what are uncles for anyway? Sean was home for almost 10 full days which was wonderful too, lots of time together as a family. I can only imagine what next Christmas season will bring for our family.

9. We've managed to vist the doctor more times since day care started than I really care to count. I've joked with the pediatrician that I see her more often than I see my close friends...sad, but very true! We've had the full run of colds, flu, and ear infections that just don't want to seem to go away. Brenna is on another round of antibiotics in the hopes that her ears will get better. She's a tough little girl and seems to be dealing with as best an almost 19 month old can.

8. Excellent news from B's dermatologist. No more visits...that's right I said it...NO MORE VISITS!!! Her hemangioma is getting better by the day and until it has flattened completely and is no longer vascular, we won't be going back. She will have a bald spot (it's about the size of a 50 cent piece) that we can take care of when she is older, until then it is creative hair styling. Compared to last year at Christmastime, the difference is absolutely amazing. You can definitely see the difference since last year at the same time. These are pics from her first two Christmas portaits.

7. Sean has been traveling quite a bit which has been a little challenging but we are settling into a routine with it and he is doing a great job. I am so proud that in such a short time he has accomplished a lot! NATIONAL Director of Catering for the company that he is with. He has certainly earned that title!

6. In the last week Sean & I have officially gone from Mama and Dada to Mommy and Daddy, which the little girl is saying quite well.

5. Brenna is no longer a binkie girl. With her latest cold came the lack of ability to suck and breathe so the binkie often ended up on the floor, behind the crib, or with her bear. Decided last night to remove it completely and bedtime came and went with no complaints. Apparently it wasn't needed as much as mommy thought she needed it.

4. We have officially made it 4 days in a row to day care and I am very, I repeat VERY, happy about that! A first since Christmas break. We are hoping tomorrow brings 5 days in a row.

3. Brenna: (standing and staring at me) "poopies"?

Me: do you need your diaper changed?

Brenna: Nooowoahwoah (her version of no no no)

Brenna: (still staring at me) "poop"

Me: let's go check (she can't really be telling me she has a dirty diaper can she?)

Brenna: poopoopoopies

yes, that's right, she is now announcing dirty diapers. Can we say potty training is in the near future? I know that it may take a while but we can at least give it a try right?

2. My adventure for the day was to return the original potty that we purchased yesterday because after looking at all of the reviews I discovered that the one we got was NOT the one for us. Apparently the baby bjorn is the potty of choice. Do I question the potty of choice's expense? least I did...for a few minutes...until.....


Our daughter....our not quite 19 month old daughter...who loves, yes loves her bright pink baby bjorn potty (or pol-ly as she calls it), did exactly what she was suppose to do when I sat her on it just before her bath tonight. Can you see the smiles beaming from my face? She did give me the "mommy are you crazy" eyes when I did a little dance and made a HUGE deal out of it....we even said bye bye as we flushed it down the real toilet...all the while mommy is acting like an absolute idiot, clapping and saying yea!!! brenna!!!! What can I say...our little girl...who is not so little any more...has amazed us yet again.

I know it's sideways but I can't fix that right now...the visual is a must though!

Yes I know there are some amazing babies out there who have become potty trained at 5 months...I know I think that is crazy too, but I saw claims in the potty reviews so it must be true right? Yeah sure. But this is our little girl, the first little girl to do any of the million amazing things that no other child has managed to accomplish before, so we think it is the best.

We are amazed by her every day and hope you can share our joy or say to yourself, I've been there and know exactly what you are feeling.

We are lucky, so lucky and blessed that our little girl, who started out eight weeks earlier than she should have, is doing everything a healthy almost 19 month old should be doing. Putting wooden puzzles together, trying to take her shirts off at day care, running away from us while giggling hysterically, saying Baaiileey everytime she sees her dog, saying daddy in the middle of the night in her sleep, and melting our hearts with the first unsolicited "love you"s to Sean and I last weekend...we're so thankful.

1 comment:

Marie said...

potty training?
no more binky?
what the heck?

my 2 1/2 year old needs some work ;p