Thursday, December 31, 2009

The last post of the year...

I managed to take all but one of my December daily album photos and have even added the first 7 days of photos and journaling to the album. That is a major accomplishment over last year's attempt at a 12 days album. I'm pleased! I'm also excited that I already have the paper for next year's December Daily album...and I may be scraplifting the general idea from Missy...mine definitely won't be as polished as Mis' but it will still be an attempt at something less haphazard and more put together.

So Happy New Year to all of my family, friends, and blog readers...if there are any left after this sad, sad year of few blogs...

Yes, this is the cheesy last post, but I am excited about my first post of 2010! Check back after midnight...

PS...I actually digi-scrapped...check out the new banner!

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